• What is SafetyTech.AI?

    SafetyTech.AI is a proprietary dss+ marketplace platform that seeks to connect the most innovative, tech-enabled safety solutions to industrial clients.

  • Who is dss+?

    dss+ is a leading operations management consulting firm. Read more about who we are here

  • Where does dss+ operate?

    dss+ has a presence in over 40 countries, and has served over 2000 clients globally. We are a global company that specializes in working with companies on a global basis.

  • What types of services does dss+ provide?

    We partner with our clients to develop and implement solutions to improve the technical, behavioral, and cultural aspects of its operations and to establish a framework to maximize existing assets, mitigate risk, and drive continuous innovation.

  • How much time does it take to implement a SafetyTech solution?

    This varies according to the complexity of your operations and the type of solution that you intend to implement. For further information on how much time it may take to implement a given solution. Contact Us

  • How much do SafetyTech solutions cost?

    The actual price of technology is determined by the supplier. The cost of related dss+ services is customized to your project and determined based on scope and duration.

  • How effective are the SafetyTech solutions on your platform?

    Each technology has been qualified by expert dss+ consultants. Most are tried and tested at multiple client sites before being considered for inclusion on our platform.

  • How do I contact specific solution providers?

    Our SafetyTech experts will connect you to the solution provider and support you in finding the right solution to fit your needs.