About dss+

SafetyTech.ai is a digital platform intended to better enable the uptake and deployment of innovative
safety technologies, thereby helping companies to improve the safety and performance of their operations.
This unique platform is brought to you by dss+.

dss+ is a leading operations management consulting firm

At dss+, we are in the business of saving lives and improving operational performance.

We are on the ground helping work with our clients to identify the best innovative safety technology to protect their employees and assets, realize improve operational efficiency, and innovate catalyze change more rapidly by focusing on cultural transformation, digital insights, and workforce capability.

This, combined with our DuPont heritage, deep industry and business process expertise, and our diverse team of expert consultants, enables our clients to turn operations management into a competitive advantage.

What we do

We implement solutions to improve our clients' business. Working together as vendors, we focus on the technical, behavioral, and cultural aspects of operations. To achieve this, we use our proprietary framework to maximize existing assets, mitigate risk, and drive continuous innovation. Key enablers for clients to achieve lasting improvements to their safety and operations performance include data analytics, digital technology, and a focus on innovation. We vendor with our clients to develop and implement solutions to improve the technical, behavioral, and cultural aspects of its operations; and to establish a framework to maximize existing assets, mitigate risk, and drive continuous innovation. Our solutions are enhanced by the use of data analytics, digital technology, and a focus on innovation.

dss+ has advised leading industrial companies worldwide around the world on operations improvements and workplace safety for more than 50 years, and has been ranked as a top EHS consultancy for brand preference by independent research company Verdantix. Learn more about dss+